21 يوما على طريق السعادة
عدد الصفحات: 333ص
48 ساعة في دبي
قَدِمَ خالد مع أشرته في زيارة سياحية إلى دبي لقضاء عطلة كانت مليئة بالمغامرة والتشويق، استمتعوا خلالها بما تحتضنه دبي من معالم تسلب الألباب لتشكل ذكرياتها لحظات لا تنسى من المرح والمتعة والافائدة. فقد أصبحت دبي قبلة لرجال الأعمال والسياح، ويأتيها الناس من كل مكان في الدنيا.
كما أن تلك الرحلة لم تخل من أحداث أثارت استغراب عائلة خالد وكادت تعكر صفو تلك الرحلة الرائعة لولا يقظة رجال الأمن في دبي وأعينهم الساهرة على راحة وسعادة كل من تطأ قدماه دانة الدنيا.اسم المؤلف: غازي حسين العلي
عدد الصفحات: 60
All The Talents Of All The People
«All the Talents of All the People» is a book dealing with a series of speeches and articles written by Gordon Brown on the theme of education as the highest priority in the world and as a fundamental right for everyone. Thus, the book is a comprehensive reference about Brown’s views and theories such as «establishing global schools», the different methods of financing education and funding its expenses, and how to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The book also reviews the issue of financing education during crisis situations, especially the issues of refugee education and calling for civil rights and women’s rights. The book highlights Brown’s international campaigns against child labor and against recruiting children in the armed forces as well as the military attacks on schools. The book addresses educational problems in the most affected areas of the world, like the Syrian refugee crisis, Boko Haram, Nepal as well as Pakistan in it strife for rights of education. The book leads us to conclude that «education is the only hope».
Pages: 184
All The Talents Of All The People – Hard Cover
«All the Talents of All the People» is a book dealing with a series of speeches and articles written by Gordon Brown on the theme of education as the highest priority in the world and as a fundamental right for everyone. Thus, the book is a comprehensive reference about Brown’s views and theories such as «establishing global schools», the different methods of financing education and funding its expenses, and how to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The book also reviews the issue of financing education during crisis situations, especially the issues of refugee education and calling for civil rights and women’s rights. The book highlights Brown’s international campaigns against child labor and against recruiting children in the armed forces as well as the military attacks on schools. The book addresses educational problems in the most affected areas of the world, like the Syrian refugee crisis, Boko Haram, Nepal as well as Pakistan in it strife for rights of education. The book leads us to conclude that «education is the only hope».
Pages: 184
Early Days in the Emirates – Hard Cover
As a youngster Nicholas Cochrane-Dyet saw how the Emirates changed from underdeveloped desert sheikhdoms to one of the world’s most vibrant modern states.
The son of a British Army officer based in Abu Dhabi in the closing days of the British presence Nicholas had a privileged upbringing in the Trucial Emirates.
When in 1975 Sheikh Zayed al Nahyan instructed the 17 year old Nicholas to work with his godfather in establishing the Royal Stables at Mezyad this truly changed his life.Nicholas saw at close hand what an inspiring leader was Sheikh Zayed al Nahyan and how as Ruler he directed the rapid development of Emirates.Charles Nicholas Cochrane-Dyet
Pages: 160
Glances On Iraq – Hard Cover
Through a unique collection of pictures, this book takes us on a trip to Mesopotamia at a critical stage in its history, showing all aspects of the Iraqi situation in that era, to form a rich visual reference.
Pages: 228
How To Be A Falconer?
An educational book about falconry by Dr. Aisha Al-Mansoori, the first woman falconer in the UAE. The book is meant to teach falconry in a beautiful
educational way. The author explores the types of falcons, their characteristics and how to take care of them as well as the tools used during falconry. She also adds training exercises to each chapter of the book.AISHA AL MANSOORI
Pages: 52
Manpower And Education In The UAE
A case study for the GCC countries.
Osha And Grandpa Matar
This is the story of Grandfather Matar, who has a long rich experience and knowledge of falconry, and his granddaughter Osha, who eagerly likes to learn about anything related to the UAE heritage and culture. The story aims to teach falconry, which has become a wide-spread sport in UAE and very popular among young people there. This story is an evident proof that the people of this land are well connected to their roots and origins and that falconry will remain a genuine Emirati heritage passing from one generation to the next.
Mariam Mhi Aldin Malla / Ayesha Matar Al Mansoori
Republic of Poland & United Arab Emirates
This book written by Professor Adam Krzymowski is based on his own studies as well as on the information and materials made available by the governments of Poland and the United Arab Emirates, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE, the Ministry of Economy of Poland and the Ministry of Economy of the UAE. The photographs in the book are from the author’s collection and the collection of the Polish Embassy in the UAE. The book was published as part of a collaborative research.
Author: Professor Adam Krzymowski
Number of pages: 208
The Quran In The Mingana Collection – Hard Cover
The discovery that an ancient Arabic document in the University of Birmingham might date back to the very earliest days of Islam transformed our knowledge of the spread of the Muslim religion from its origin in Arabia. These small leaves of parchment have been shown to be part of a very early Quran – maybe even from the first written Quran.
The pages of the manuscript found in Birmingham represent a scared document of immense religious and cultural significance across the globe.Sean Choughlan
Foreword by: Jamal bin HuwairebPages: 100
UAE 101 Stories & Cultural Learnings
A must-read for everyone is interested in visiting, working or living in the United Arab Emirates, The book is a collection of 101 anecdotes and cultural tips to give a better understanding of and appreciation for the UAE culture and local customs. Far from being a mere list of impersonal notions,”UAE 101″ is a precious reading, which combines individual experiences, local traditions, history and curiosities. The one of its kind perspective is given by the collaboration of the two authors and friends: A western expat and a UAE born and raised local.
Author: Roudha Al Marri – Ilaria Caielli
Number of pages: 160
آدم بوم تيكا بوم
موسيقى في كل مكان، موسيقى في الشارع والمخبز والدكان.
من فصل الموسيقى هربت كل الألحان..
ترى ماذا يحدث في عالم آدم الفنان؟
أبيض غامق
«أبيض غامق» مجموعة قصصية هي الأولى للكاتب أحمد محمد، حيث تتنوع القصص فيها بين الفصحى والعامية، والخيال والواقع، وتمتاز باللغة الرشيقة والصورة المكثفة في رسم الشخصيات، وسرد الأحداث بصورة تجذب القارئ وتدهشه.
المؤلف: أحمد بن محمد
عدد الصفحات: 74
أحمد بن فارس – تجليد فني
دراسة شاملة في حياته وآثاره وآرائه اللغوية والنحوية
هذا الكتاب يسلِّط الضوء على حياة أحمد بن فارس، ويبرز مدى حبه للغة العربية، إيمانه بأنها أعظم اللغات، كما يعرض آراءه في اللغة والنحو، ويضع العلّامة اللغوي أحمد بن فارس في موضعه بين أعلام المتفقهين في اللغة من طبقة الخليل بن أحمد، وابن جني.
اسم المؤلف: د. غازي طليمات
عدد الصفحات: 700
أخلاق العمل
يربط الكاتب في هذا الكتاب بين إراد الحياة وأخلاق القيادة، فالتنمية المستدامة تعني زيادة قدرتنا في الحصول على ما نريد. وهنا يأتي دور الأخلاق في طرح السؤال المضاد عما إذا كنا سنريد الشيء الصحيح؟
الفرق بين أن نتلزم أخلاقيا ونريد الشيء الصحيح، وبين أن نفتقد البعد الأخلاقي في إدارتنا لمؤسستنا ولمجتمعنا ونحاول تحقيق أهدافنا بأساليب غير مشروعة، هو الفرق الدائم بين القيادة والإدارة، أو الإرادة والإدارة (لأن الإرادة السامية تعني القيادة). ولكن زيادة قدرتنا على الإدارة والتغيير والتأثير والإصلاح والتدمير، تجعل قدراتنا محل تساؤل دائم. لأن إساءة استخدام الأدوات والوسائل الفعالة أسوأ من إساءة استخدام الوسائل الضعيفة.تأليف: نسيم الصمادي
عدد الصفحات: 292